Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Why Haven’t We Heard A Peep From Islamic Powers About China Brutalizing 1 Million Muslims?

China is routinely, systematically, and violently attacking the Islamic countries' fellow religious practitioners.

China has trade and military ties with all the major Islamic states, with major investments in Pakistan, Central Asia, Iran, and the Middle East.

So how did China manage to earn the subservience, when more than 1 million Muslims are interned in Chinese concentration camps? And what does that mean for Western policy that we couldn't manage that feat through continuous appeasement? The West Is in Too Deep with China China has compromised and infiltrated Western big corporates and universities.

For decades since the end of the Second World War, in the West among both libertarians and conservatives, the market has been worshiped as something larger than the nation-state, and now that the market has decided China's money is more important than Western social cohesion, the fault lines are increasingly becoming prominent.

Are the Islamic countries afraid of China more than they are of the West? Is that because they worry about losing Chinese investment, or is that because they know that if they provoke China to the point of a war, Chinese military will not follow human rights rules during engagement? It is unlikely that Chinese military in a war situation would follow the careful "Minimal-civilian-casualty" mode of warfare or counterinsurgency the West currently practices.

China's Rise Should Trouble Liberals and Conservatives In one current case everyone should agree that the rise of China should concern both conservative-realists and liberals.

One shudders to think how much manufacturing the Western corporate sector then would have funneled to cheap Russian labor to hollow out heartland England and America, had the autarkic Soviets been more like globally integrated state-capitalist China.

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