Monday, October 28, 2019

We Are At War And The Mainstream Media Is The Enemy

We must refuse to give in to their orchestrated lies, with our continued support for President Donald J. Trump.

Think of the absolutely crazy questions we have been asking ourselves as of late: Will they impeach him? Will they assassinate him? Will there be a financial collapse? Why are we still 'fighting' a no-win-war in Afghanistan? Why do few of our Congressional leaders agree with President Trump on troop removal from Syria? Will Barr/Durham finally bring any of the treasonous criminals to face justice? And, will the if-and-when-trials be held here in the states, or be held by offshore Military Tribunals.

If not for the American media, which could be repeated ten thousand times, they would never have gotten away with allowing a usurper to become President of the United States.

Assassinate? Again extremely doubtful! President Trump and his family are being protected 24/7 by not only the US Secret Service, a select detachment of US Marines, but also his own trusted security staff who have been with him long before he became POTUS. Financial collapse? Unfortunately, there is no simple yes or no answer.

The US Federal Reserve is part of the Globalist World Banking Syndicate and has done everything within their power to assure that President Trump's agenda fails.

President Donald Trump knows how to run a tight covert operation.

We must refuse to give in to their orchestrated lies, with our continued support for President Donald J. Trump and believe a time of reckoning is at hand.

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