Tuesday, October 29, 2019

President gave Democrat Leakers Nothing To Leak in al-Baghdadi Takedown

Keeping congressional leakers like Adam Schiff and his imaginary friend, 'The Whistleblower' out of the loop on ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's imminent take down was one of the smartest things President Donald Trump ever did.

The danger of some motor-mouth Congressional 'leader' leaking details of the coming raid was real-far more real than a still not identified whistleblower misrepresenting Trump's telephone conversation with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The Impeachment-obsessed Democrats pay no attention to the age old maxim that "Loose lips sink ships", mostly because they think that the ship of U.S. President Donald Trump is the only one worth sinking.

"The only thing is they were talking about why didn't I give the information to Adam Schiff and his committee, and the answer is because I think Adam Schiff is the biggest leaker in Washington," Trump said.

With the former Obama photographer, Pete Souza's false accusation that the Trump admin "Staged" the Situation Room photo of the al-Baghdadi death raid still going viral-even after having to admit that it wasn't staged, it's a good thing that the president might release some video footage of the raid.

"Trump went on to blast Schiff for his handling of the impeachment investigation, including when he recited an embellished version of Trump's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which Schiff later described as"parody.

Video film showing how military dogs are more courageous than your average Democrat would make for good viewing, Mr. President.


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