Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Has Chuck Schumer Got An Electric Car Deal For You

Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer wants to replace gasoline-burning automobiles with electric and hybrid vehicles across the country.

According to the Associated Press, the Senate minority leader is "Proposing a $462 billion trade-in program to get millions of Americans out of climate-damaging gas vehicles and into electric or hybrid cars over the next decade." The scheme would dole out "Thousands of dollars" to every U.S. consumer who trades in their gasoline-burning car for an electric, hybrid or hydrogen cell car built in America.

A portion of that stunning sum, $17 billion, would be handed out to automakers, which are expected in return to "Increase their production of electric cars, batteries and parts." The carmakers will happily take the dollars, and the green lobby will approvingly nod.

Other people's money is no object in Washington, so Schumer is willing spend lavishly "To bring clean cars to all of America." Therein lies the "Dirty" truth about electric vehicles and hybrids.

The IFO Institute for Economic Research of Munich has determined that "Electric vehicles will barely help cut CO2 emissions in Germany over the coming years, as the introduction of electric vehicles does not necessarily lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions from road traffic."

"Even before their tires hit asphalt," says the Pacific Research Institute, "They are belching emissions. Building a Tesla Model S P100D, for example, produces more than 12,000 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent, according to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This includes emissions discharged in the mining and transportation of rare earths needed to produce electric cars' hulking batteries."

After Denmark scrapped EV tax credits a few years back, Tesla's sales plunged 94%, while in Hong Kong, they crashed by 95% "As the city got rid of comparable tax advantages for those buying electric cars," says the Foundation for Economic Education.


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