Sunday, October 27, 2019

America's public servants need to be served up some humble pie

One of the things that's great about America is the fact that public servants work for the people.

When teachers in public schools overstretch their bounds by telling parents what should be in their children's lunches, or by threatening parents for failing to sign forms that are voluntary, or by pretending as if parents need certain excuses to dismiss their children early from school - all the while using union power to go on strike and demand more, more, more in pay and benefits - it's wrong.

When police intimidate citizens to stop recording activities on a public sidewalk; when the Internal Revenue Service holds up applications for non-profits for puzzling, even nefarious reasons; when White House administrations bypass Congress to issue unconstitutional executive orders on immigration and climate change; when state governments overtax and rather than refund, keep the money for a so-called rainy day; when county clerks at local court houses refuse to answer simple questions; when Department of Motor Vehicle employees treat customers as second-class annoyances; when local zoning and planning commissioners arrogantly deny permits that shouldn't be denied and affix fees for private property activities that shouldn't be affixed fees - it's all wrong.

How so? Here's anidea: File a Freedom of Information Act request for local government officials' salaries - and post them online.

Others? File Sunshine Law requests for school superintendent and administrators' contracts - and post them online.

It's about individual rights; individual freedoms.

It's about the God-given, not the government granted.

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