Thursday, July 11, 2019

How the US Justice System Can Put You in Jail Forever...When You're Innocent

There are borderline cases, involving something called "Severance." A single incident may violate more than one law.

The practice of over-charging puts pressure on those accused to accede to plea bargains, even when the accused is innocent of any crime at all.

Of course, the crime is serious and deserves punishment, but in both cases, the prosecutors had ulterior motives.

The same principle applies in the case of families who have paid bribes to college officials in hopes of obtaining college admissions for their children.

Perhaps the worst case of persecution of known innocent defendants involves former special counsel Robert Mueller, who investigated President Trump.

Mueller not only knew early on that Trump was innocent of all the criminal accusations leveled against him, but ignored credible allegations of even worse crimes by Hillary Clinton.

In the Whitey Bulger case, Mueller withheld exculpatory evidence that would have freed four innocent men, two of whom died in prison.

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