Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Mueller and Comey: A Cozy Relationship

Former FBI Director James Comey on Friday released a blog post detailing what questions he would ask Special Counsel Robert Mueller if he was a member of Congress.

None of the questions Comey recommended dealt with the long, cozy and lucrative relationship between Comey and Mueller that is at the heart of the FISA fraud and the deep state coup against the incoming Trump administration.

During testimony last year before Congress changed hands, Comey insisted he barely knew Mueller.

The two men's working relationship can be traced back to at least December of 2003, when Comey joined Mueller in Washington after he became John Ashcroft's deputy attorney general, according to a 2013 Washingtonian article about the two men's long-standing relationship.

Comey owes a great deal of his financial wealth to Robert Mueller.

Why did Comey lie about that the nature and depth of his relationship with Robert Mueller, which resulted down the road in Mueller's appointment as special counsel and the fraudulent surveillance and investigation of candidate, president, and common enemy Donald Trump? Maybe we can ask Robert Mueller about that and whether he thinks his financial dealings might warrant a special counsel or an FBI raid at the crack of dawn.


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