Saturday, July 20, 2019

Migrant Death Rate Under Trump 20 Percent Lower than Obama Years

Deaths of migrants who illegally crossed the border during the first two years of the Trump administration fell about 20 percent from the eight-year average under the Obama era.

During the eight years of the Obama administration, 2,977 migrants died after illegally crossing the southwest border with Mexico - 372 per year on average, according to a report obtained from U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials.

During the first two complete fiscal years of the Trump administration, 581 migrants died - an average of 291 per year.

This represents about a 20 percent drop from the Obama administration's reported migrant deaths.

Breitbart News reported extensively about the deaths of migrants during both the Obama and Trump administrations.

During the Obama administration, Breitbart wrote 20 times about the deaths of 535 migrants who died in one Texas county alone - Brooks County.

The CBP report on migrant deaths also indicates a shift in where migrant deaths occurred since about 2015.

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