Saturday, July 20, 2019

Trump's 'Accidental' Win on the Citizenship Question

That is, even if the Court had found that the administration could include the citizenship question in the census, Trump should still have directed his agencies, especially the Social Security Administration, to have their computer programmers write simple little programs to count up the people on their databases by citizen and all other categories.

The feds are continually archiving and maintaining data on citizens, and have virtually all citizens on file already.

Last September, Federal Computer Week ran "GAO: $15.6 billion census cost estimate not reliable." It seems the Government Accountability Office had taken issue with the Census Bureau's $15.6 billion estimate of the cost of the 2020 census; it was $3B more than the initial projection.

If one believes that apportionment should be based on the number of citizens in each state, then this problem with the census could be fixed by merely changing the word "Persons" in the 14th Amendment, Section 2 to "Citizens." If we ever have an Article V convention, changing that word should be one of the first items on the agenda, because right now the sovereignty of the People, i.e. the citizens, is being drained away from them by the way we do the stupid census.

If the most accurate count of U.S. citizens would come from federal databases, then the only reason to conduct a census is to count up illegal aliens.

If one believes that the enumeration called for by the Constitution should be of citizens only, then the census is little more than a $15.6 billion scam on the taxpayers of America, especially when we have computers that can do the job for free.

The real question for the citizens of America should be: Are we going to count illegal aliens in reapportionment of congressional districts in the states? After all, unlike American citizens, illegal aliens are all deportable.

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