Tuesday, July 23, 2019

No Raising Hands: CNN Makes It Easier For Democrats To Fool The Public In Next Debate

CNN's decision not to allow any "Raise your hand" questions in the Democrat candidates' next round of debates, which the cable news channel will telecast on July 30 and 31 from Detroit, is first and foremost an example of pure media bias.

Trump wasted no time gloating the next day that it meant he had already won his 2020 re-election.

Like George H.W. Bush's breaking of his "Read my lips: no new taxes" 1988 campaign pledge, and Barack Obama's "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan" falsehood, the forced raising of politicians' hands last month was the victory of clarity over these elected officials' practiced craft of obfuscation and euphemism.

CNN tells us it is "The most trusted name in news," and its newest slogan is "Facts First." The Washington Post says "Democracy Dies in Darkness." What is brighter or more factual than shining a klieg light on candidates as they stand side-by-side, as the nation watches live, and point blank asking them: "Do you support or oppose X?". What NBC inadvertently discovered, and CNN is making sure doesn't happen again, is that when Democrats are forced to reveal, in plain clarity, what they would do if given the presidency, the American people don't like it.

DNC chairman Tom Perez remarked that "The inappropriate relationship between President Trump, his administration and Fox News has led me to conclude that the network is not in a position to host a fair and neutral debate for our candidates."

We'll find out next week whether CNN's Dana Bash, Don Lemon and Jake Tapper are more interested in extracting information from these politicians, or helping them beat the incumbent next year.


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