Monday, July 22, 2019

Trump's choice: Yield to China or raise trade tariffs and pave the way for Fed's easing

What can Trump do? The answer is simple: With negotiations going nowhere, Trump should respond with a devastating one-two strategy, instead of sending that meekly defensive tweet last Friday that his people "Had a very good talk" with their Chinese counterparts.

Trump should ignore the free-traders' howls for a number of reasons.

That's nothing compared to Trump's knockdown punch to $180 billion worth of Chinese goods sold to American markets.

If allowed - and that's another policy lever for Trump - they would also rush to invest in U.S.-based production facilities.

Trump's quest for balanced trade would be taken seriously - and he may even get the Chinese to expedite mega deals with his financially exhausted Farm Belt supporters.

Trump, of course, would get no credit because mercantilists' opprobrium remains his lot.

Many other people would not mind that either, if Trump got more jobs and incomes for the U.S. and the rest of the world.

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