Monday, July 22, 2019

The Democrats' 2020 Campaign Theme Is "You Americans Are Terrible"

The Democrats' 2020 theme is that you are terrible and the party's slogan will be "Americans suck, vote for us." The precise candidate who will employ it is not important because they all embrace the notion that punishing the essential moral failure of you and me and every other Normal American is the key goal of the Donkey Party.

You're the liberal elite's punching bag, the scapegoat, the convenient excuse for every flaw, failing and foul-up in the society that very same elite runs.

The Democrat debates weren't debates; they were creepy clusters of consensus about why normal people are the problem.

The glory of Donald Trump, and of Normal Americans, is that we just don't care what the Democrats and their media and Renfieldcon allies think.

There's no "We" when the elite talks about how racist/sexist/whateverist Normal Americans are and giggles among themselves about us rubes.

There's no "We" when the consequences of the globalism that enriches the elite sends our jobs to Kuala Lumpur.

There's no "We" when it our kids, and not theirs, who are packing up and deploying for the elite's latest failed war.

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