Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Things Worthey of Consideration 4

Why do you think citizens are fleeing Democrat controlled cities?  Because Democrat control equals corruption, fiscal mismanagement, high taxes and total failure.  This piece explains.  Quote: "Illegal immigrants may be flocking to so-called “sanctuary states,” but taxpayers are moving away from the excessive taxes leveled by Democrats. The majority of the country has enjoyed unparalleled economic prosperity due to President Donald Trump’s America First policies and the GOP-led tax Cuts and Jobs Act. African-American and Latino-Americans have enjoyed employment and wage growth never experienced before in the nation’s history. Things have improved to such an extent that companies are literally competing for workers. It’s a brave new world, unless you live in a Blue State."  And,  "For everyday Americans suffering under Democrat financial mismanagement and grotesquely high taxes, things are bad. The solution for many — particularly tax-targeted wealthy American — has been to relocate to Republican-run states with reasonable and even low taxes. These are the reportedly states worst in terms of combined local and state tax burdens."    https://www.patrioticfreedomfighter.com/2019/05/01/report-americans-are-fleeing-democrat-run-cities/
This is a good follow-up to  the previous item since it provides a cogent assessment of the damage done by progressive Democrats and their tyrannical and irresponsible governance of the once beautiful city of San Francisco.    https://spectator.org/leftist-heartbreak-in-san-francisco/?

A citizen of the once beautiful San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi,  Speaker of the House of Representatives, and a long time federal representative of the city and its surroundings has lost her grip of her party's members and her own grasp of factual realities and sanity.    https://patriotpulse.net/trump-laughed-in-nancy-pelosis-face-after-she-made-the-worst-statement-of-her-political-career/   Her career has been filled with the quest for power and personal riches.  Meanwhile fulfilling her responsibilities to her constituents has been a complete failure.  The same can be said about her fellow San Franciscan Democrats Diane Feinstein, Willie Brown and Kamala Harris.

This is an interesting assessment of Trump.    https://freedomwire.com/trump-kos-biden-with-one-tweet/  Note the Stonewall Jackson quote at the close of the item.

This is the truth about AARP and why we dropped our membership years ago.    https://www.americanlibertyreport.com/articles/aarp-called-out-for-opposing-trump-administration-drug-pricing-proposal-designed-to-help-seniors/    They are also a cheerleader for left wing politics. 

History is filled with self serving governments engaging in false flag operations as cover for what they want to do. Our own history is peppered with such instances. Here is but one recent example. Quote: "On Thursday night Fox’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” featured rare prime time coverage of the bombshell leaked OPCW report which refuted key events surrounding the April 2018 alleged chemical gas attack in Douma, Syria — which resulted in massive US and allied airstrikes on Damascus, nearly leading to a major war at the time. And now new allegations are looming which could once again lead to US airstrikes on Syria. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is the international chemical weapons watchdog group which has worked in tandem with the UN to investigation claimed Sarin and chlorine gas attack sites in Syria. The smoking gun document, Tucker said in opening remarks, vindicates his and others’ past skepticism."   https://prepperlifestyle.org/we-re-being-played-tucker-carlson-features-leaked-syria-chemical-attack-memo/     Let the president and your elected representatives know your feelings on the matter.  

Can anyone tell me what political leftist teachers get off on by denying school kids the right to read a Bible in school?  Meanwhile those same people bow down to Islam and let kids study that religion, memorize portions of the Koran, say prayers out loud, let them have prayer rugs, time and place for prayers, etc., etc. but anything Christian is strictly forbidden.    https://1776christian.com/2nd-grade-teacher-bans-student-from-reading-bible-for-show-and-tell/    This is unacceptable on any level and informs us all as to how destructive progressive and socialistic anti-Christian nonsense is and just how afraid the education establishment is of the "oh so peaceful" Muslims.  They are so afraid of Muslim retribution they give them everything they want.  What a mess the irresponsible political left progressives who are hard core anti-Christians have made of our education system.  Prior to and all during our founding generation and for many years following the Christian Bible was part of the school's curriculum.  But the evil and anti-religious political left thinks they know better but be assured history will prove they are dead wrong.  Just a casual review of our decaying culture and loss of simple civil behavior and historic societal courtesies serves as proof positive.  All because of the 100 year  plus advance of progressive led adoption and embrace of cultural Marxism all across our society.  They promote things like political correctness, gender dissonance, hedonism and sexual perversion, atheism and agnosticism, destruction of religious and family values, killing babies, disdain ethics and virtue, fake news, fake science, fake history, endless false propaganda, increasing crime and general lawlessness and much more.  And that my friends is what progressives call progress. 
These people are perpetrating child abuse with their grossly irresponsible behavior.  They are dregs of humanity. Quote: "According to the narrative peddled by the mainstream media and progressive academics, more children than ever are expressing interest in gender fluidity and even transition therapy."      https://www.factsnotmemes.com/articles/the-real-reason-kids-are-confused-about-gender-now/

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