Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Destruction of Civility, Honesty, Moraity, Respect For Human Life and The Rule of Law 3

How can anyone say Islam is a peaceful religion.  According to this piece it is not just the radicals we have to worry about.  Quote: "People, please understand this. Enough followers of Islam are fine with some aspects of Islamic terrorism that Islamic “extremism” could (and should) really be better understood as a “mainstream” position. That is reality."

This item examines the rank hypocrisy of the political left. Quote: "If enough attention were called to these types of things and a sufficient number of blacks began to realize that liberals have been using them for their votes, we might see a sea change in American politics.  For now, we must just marvel at liberals' cynicism, double standards and hypocrisy.  But one of these days, their conflicting "values" are going to come home to roost."

Does he ever have it right.  Quote: "There is a very simple explanation as to why the country seems to be experiencing the gun violence of recent years. It basically comes down to one simple explanation, Liberals. Though I’m sure they’ll take exception to that, the reality is that we live in a society that has lost all sense of morality over the last sixty-odd years, leading to a societal breakdown. Brought to us by liberal politicians, liberal educators, and liberals in the entertainment industry."     

When the government is the source of obstruction of justice what do you do?  In the case of inspector generals operating within the Obama administration it means calling on Congress to make them cooperate.  Given the past history of their obstruction and even law breaking it will be a hard thing to do. Quote: "Watchdogs assigned to root out fraud and corruption inside federal government agencies encounter so many barriers during their investigations that they’re calling on Congress to pass legislation that will guarantee the access they’re already supposed to have."     Is this the behavior of a government responsive to the people's representatives in Congress?  No, just more Obama obstruction into their misbehavior.

This will make you sad about how much our cultural norms have changed over the 75 years or so.  Respectful behavior has declined.  In some people more than others.  But it is beyond question that a large percentage of those who adhere to all manner of culturally destructive leftist/progressive propaganda have changed the most.  Many have lost all sense of decency, respect for others, and display an attitude of superiority over those with whom they disagree.  This is one example.     This item serves to illustrate the depths to which our nation has fallen.  This professor was fired because he referred to God in a letter to his graduating students

About those anchor babies.  The startling fact is that according to 2008 census data analyzed by the Pew Research Center an anchor baby is born in the US every 93 seconds.

When a nation of laws allows someone as dishonest and deceptive as Hillary to run for public office, much less the presidency, you can conclude we are in deep trouble.   This illustrates the state of politics today.  Political party loyalty is more important than loyalty to the United States.  Quote: "But perhaps the California senator was simply more interested in trying to protect a fellow Democrat, than in protecting the secrets of this nation. Perhaps Sen. Feinstein needs to review her own obligations as the holder of a national security clearance, which also requires the fine senator to report any security violations she becomes aware of.  So while I appreciate your loyalty to party, Sen. Feinstein, I would appreciate your loyalty to the United States of America much more. Perhaps it’s time you review the same government security regulations that guided former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, since based on your comments it would seem you’re not quite up to speed on what the regulations governing classified information are."   By the way when someone does the disingenuous things this brief piece illustrates, do you think it represents presidential material?  An informed opinion of a former Attorney General.   You could not make this stuff up.  More evidence of wrong doings and lame excuses. 

Who would want to work for her, much less be subjugated to her rule as president.  Quote: "'There's not an agent in the service who wants to be in Hillary's detail,' a current agent says. 'If agents get the nod to go to her detail, that's considered a form of punishment among the agents. She's hard to work around, she's known to snap at agents and yell at agents and dress them down to their faces, and they just have to be humble and say, 'Yes ma'am,' and walk away.'  The agent adds, 'Agents don't deserve that. They're there to do a job, they're there to protect her, they'll lay their life down for hers, and there's absolutely no respect for that. And that's why agents do not want to go to her detail.'"

Bob Woodward says that the Hillary email scandal reminds him of the Nixon's Watergate scandal.   And her words and actions are increasingly offensive.  Here she accuses Republicans as treating women like terrorists????   Her record on women's rights is abysmal and characterizing her as a women's rights advocate is an outrageous.  Dig into her history and you will see the truth.  This is a start.

This reinforces Woodward's point.  "There is no other way to describe this than willful disregard of laws and protocols pertaining to national security protections. The materials exposed here might be more sensitive and potentially dangerous than some of the Wikileaks material exposed by Bradley Manning, especially for diplomatic security. And yet, Hillary Clinton wants to run for the office which carries the ultimate responsibility for enforcing those laws and securing the nation’s sensitive data."

Remember when President Obama and John Kerry told us how tough the Iranian agreement is?  Well that now seems to be another lie.  Quote: "The assurances President Obama and John Kerry offered on tough inspections of Iranian nuclear facilities have crumbled into meaninglessness. First, the “anytime, anywhere” slogan fell to only the sites the Iranians approve, and 24 days’ notice. Now, with the latest statement out of Tehran, it is apparent that even those late, limited inspections will be a joke. Adam Kredo of the Free Beacon reports: Sayyed Abbas Araqchi, Iran’s deputy foreign minister and one of the top negotiators in talks that led to the recently inked nuclear deal, told the country’s state-controlled press that Iran’s intelligence apparatus must approve of any inspector who is issued a visa to enter Iran." 

This is what Soviet Russia and Communist China did.  Would you have thought such government arrogance and oppressive action could ever come here?

Good for them.  They gave progressives the same thing they routinely give to the rest of us.

Can anyone explain what good this court action does for any reason or purpose?  Relabeling what we call parents is a stupid idea and as far as I can see does nothing to improve society.  Please stop this total progressive/liberal political correctness insane madness.

By now everyone knows about the EPA polluted the Animas River in Colorado with over 3 million gallons of heavy-metal laden waste water.  Remember the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?  Obama was mad as a hornet and went hard after the culprits.  This spill belongs to him but his mouth is glued shut.  Get this.  A geologists predicted there would be a spill just one week prior...uhmm!  Quote: "The simple fact of the matter is because the Obama administration was implicated in this they’re going to remain silent.
The EPA will not face any punishment for their inadequacies, not like a private company would. And as Taylor the geologist wrote they’re now getting exactly what they wanted out of the whole deal.  Obama should be bending over backwards to fix the situation and yet he does nothing.  But when BPs spill took place he was all over the news denouncing their actions.  Double-Standard much?"  I don't know but there are claims that it was done on purpose.  Here's what the geologist said one week prior: "In a letter to the editor at the Silverton Standard and The Miner the retired Geologist wrote this would happen to prevent local mining to which the Obama administration is firmly against.  

With a mindset like this you know there are real problems within our culture.  Quote: "This is a big problem that the WaPo had to address.  "This summer’s announcement that Misty Copeland, a charismatic dancer of the American Ballet Theatre, would become the first black principal ballerina in the company’s history was met with cheers. With the applause came lamentations of how long it has taken for non-white dancers to receive the recognition they deserve. The first mainstream American production of “Swan Lake” to star two black dancers was only staged in April, with Copeland and Brooklyn Mack of the Washington Ballet in the lead."  And "When there is a racial disparity in an area of interest, why must it always be a "problem" to be "solved"?  It reminds me of the hysteria a New York Times reporter experienced when he went to a national park and started counting white people in the parking lot.

This is a very powerful discussion regarding the folly of the war on drugs.   It is well worth the time it takes to read.

This is an example of far too many unethical, even illegal, attacks and outright falsehoods lodged against conservatives by unscrupulous progressive/liberal prosecutors.  Quote: "Prosecutors in the U.S. Department of Justice are finally being called out for singling out Republican politicians and others they dislike. One of the victims of gross over prosecution was former Congressman Rick Renzi. As a Republican representing a swing district in Arizona, he was a juicy target to take down. A scandal was concocted to tarnish him and hence Republicans, paving the way for a Democrat to replace him, which happened. The DOJ prosecuted Renzi over a “land swap,” language that sounds vaguely unethical but there was nothing remotely unethical or illegal about the particular deal even had he gone through with it, and he would not have received any financial profit, as I explained in my previous article." 

George Burns

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