Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Destruction of Civility, Honesty, Moraity, Respect For Human Life and The Rule of Law 1

This item contains many random items that provide insight into the sad state of our nation's leadership both in and outside government.  The gamut runs from the top to bottom rungs within both Democrat and Republican regimes.  But it is safe to say regardless of titular political affiliation it is the progressives and those that go along to get along with them that are at the root of most if not all problems we face.   Progressivism in its origin had many positive goals but over time its focus has shifted from its roots to being a self serving, self righteous,  power hungry, know-it-all movement which seeks to enslave everyone into doing what it, in its all knowing righteousness, believes we the people must do because their superior knowledge gives them the right to do so.  Their attitude spawns intolerance of anyone who challenges them or opposes their world view.  And, far too often progressives, because of their inherent self-righteousness, resort to illegal, unethical, deceptive, oppressive behaviors because they know they are right and do not need respect our history, cultural norms, traditional morality, religious beliefs or laws.  They apparently believe they have transcended to a higher order.  The old ways must yield to their superior knowledge.  Our role is to yield to their superiority.  Please review the headers and peruse those that strike your fancy.

This item sets the stage for those that follow.  Quote: "Progressives love to chastise conservatives for exalting the individual. But in truth, the worth of the individual is at the heart of conservatism. The idea of inherent rights in every individual human being was -- and is -- set forth in the foundational documents of the United States, and rooted in natural law principles about the dignity and inherent worth of every human being. Progressives pooh-pooh this idea, as they do the concept of a government with limited powers. That is a dangerous combination, and so it should not be a surprise that whenever the Constitution is interpreted such that an entire class of people are considered not to have rights (Dred Scott, Roe v. Wade), people die -- in large numbers.  Planned Parenthood is no aberration. It is a textbook case of what happens when "progressive" ideology carries the day. If you have always considered yourself a "progressive" but are distressed by the disrespect for human life; if you wonder about the economic failures of so-called "progressive" systems; if you have thought that the principles of conservatism had no room for people like you, perhaps it's time to reconsider. The face of conservatism has changed. The results of progressivism have not."

This commentary is so very true.  Quote: "From the convenient perspective of moral relativism, if something is right for me, it is right period, an enticing point of view for those who feel constrained by the Judeo-Christian ethic and do not want to think about the logical and practical consequences of their own beliefs. In adopting moral relativism as part of their worldview, secular humanists and atheists are applying a strategy that is as old as mankind itself: if the rules get in the way of what you want to do, make up new rules. That is all moral relativism amounts to: new rules made up by those who don’t want to follow the real rules laid down for all eternity in Holy Scripture."

This is an example of honesty, a trait missing in far too many on the progressive left.  Quote: "We need to fix the climate of climate of fraud, corruption and policies that kill jobs, hope and people."   How about decency, honor even from the Clintons??.  Not to be found.  Self interests and money are their idols. What a mess. Quote: "Every week, seemingly every other day, there is a new shady revelation about Bill and Hillary Clinton that manages to top the last one. For them there seems to be no bottom; for their supporters, there seems to be no self-respect."   While a sarcastic piece its contents display the indecency and disrespect for anyone who disagrees with her.  You might want to note the disrespectful lying and despicable name calling that is so prevalent in her speeches.   And now we know for sure using her own words in an e-mail that she indeed intended to not keep for the record at least some of her dealings while Secretary of State.  She instructed staff to read and delete.  

Can anyone tell me what gives these people the right to treat kindergartners this way...what a bunch of reprobates with a sordid agenda.  I would pull my kid out in a heartbeat. 

Can anyone tell me that these actions were conducted by a moral government committed to following the rule of law?

Can anyone tell me that this behavior represents a government committed to managing our tax resources responsibly?

Can anyone tell me that this is NOT a consequence of the President's own requirements that everyone kowtow to his dictatorial demands?   And, it means leadership in key positions in the administration are being corrupted and show themselves to be cowards completely unable to abide by truth instead of the lies "expected" by the President to provide "him" cover when he speaks publically.  This item affirms the previous one.

Can anyone tell me that this is NOT evidence of the total corruption of Obama's Justice Department and Hillary's political entourage?   Contrast the treatment of this leftist  to  how the left treated lowly Kentucky county clerk (Kim Davis) .  It did not matter to the leftist judge that Kim followed Kentucky law nor did it matter to the leftist DOJ that Huma violated federal law. 

Can anyone tell me why this gay judge is not in jail (like Kim Davis was) since she refuses to perform any marriage because her state does not allow gay marriage?  Leftist judges don't punish leftist judges I guess.  Only defenseless clerks.

Can anyone tell me why Obama thinks the Iranian leadership will become good guys and fairly and honestly conduct their own inspections of their own nuclear sites?  Apparently signaling their intent to violate the deal Iranian leadership still intends to wipe out Israel.

Talking about hypocrisy, this is a case where liberals run rough shod over private businesses they do not like.  Quote: "Liberals, for all their talk about tolerance, have long shown they have no interest in coexistence with Chick-fil-A. In 2012, mayors of major cities across the country denounced Chick-fil-A. “Chick-fil-A’s values are not Chicago values,” said Chicago’s Rahm Emanuel. San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee tweeted, “Closest #ChickFilA to San Francisco is 40 miles away & I strongly recommend that they not try to come any closer.” Then-Washington, D.C., Mayor Vincent Gray wrote, “Given my long standing strong support for LGBT rights and marriage equality, I would not support #hatechicken.”  Just try to imagine what the reaction would be if say, a Texas town tried to ban Starbucks or Ben and Jerry’s.  Liberals are free to boycott Chick-fil-A, just as conservatives can boycott companies who support organizations who donate to groups advocating stances they find immoral or wrong.  But it’s another matter entirely to bring in the government to ban Chick-fil-A entirely. It should be consumers, not government officials, who decide which businesses thrive and which don’t.  Denver, it’s time to try a little tolerance."

George Burns

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