Saturday, September 19, 2015

Education & Things 3

Anyone who thinks this is good for students, good for our nation's future need to give the whole matter serious reconsideration.   Quote: "It’s no secret that our nation’s public universities want to transform American young people into a bunch of hyper-sensitive, intellectually-neutered cream puffs.  But now – they’re trying to deconstruct gender identity by parsing pronouns.  Across the fruited plain, institutions of higher education are turning their taxpayer-funded fiefdoms into gender neutral zones where free thought is outlawed."

Decadence is progressing apace.  This is a consequence of sexualization of society and our public schools are a major contributor.   Don't think progressive/liberal professors are a big part of the problem?  Read this.   Progressive loonyness is running roughshod over common sense.

When bad people lead educational institutions they make bad, but politically correct, decisions.  Here is a stupid example if ever there was one.   To complement the efforts of liberal education the media plays a big role in conditioning the masses.  This piece provides a short discussion dealing with the topic.  Talking about campus political correctness check out this piece from Dr.Walter Williams who is in a position to know.

Get this.  It should be no surprise to you that arrogant progressive professors are abusing their positions.  Quote: "Multiple professors at Washington State University have explicitly told students their grades will suffer if they use terms such as “illegal alien,” "male," and “female,” or if they fail to “defer” to non-white students.  According to the syllabus for Selena Lester Breikss’ “Women & Popular Culture” class, students risk a failing grade if they use any common descriptors that Breikss considers “oppressive and hateful language.”  This is but one of numerous examples of University level leftists propaganda being forced upon students.   They should be fired.

Many either do not know or do not care that American history has been and continues to be rewritten to suit the interests of left leaning liberals and progressives.  Quote: "As the 55 distinguished members of the National Association of Scholars explained this week, the teaching of American history faces "a grave new risk." So-called "reforms" by the College Board, which holds a virtual monopoly on A.P. testing across the country, "abandon a rigorous insistence on content" in favor of downplaying "American citizenship and American world leadership in favor of a more global and transnational perspective."  And, "The social justice warriors of government education have long sought, as the NAS signatories correctly diagnosed it, "to de-center American history and subordinate it to a global and heavily social-scientific perspective." Their mission is not to impart knowledge, but to instigate racial, social and class divisions. Their mission is not to assimilate new generations of students into the American way of life, but to turn them against capitalism, individualism and American exceptionalism in favor of left-wing activism and poisonous identity politics." 

A government that forces its will on the citizenry has advanced to the state of being oppressive.  Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan's reaction to many who object to Common Core is "... doubling down. The Secretary is threatening federal intervention if testing boycotts continue. Duncan told reporters at the Education Writers Association seminar in Chicago this past week, if students and parents continue to opt out of government-mandated tests there will be consequences. Since when did the federal government have such authority in matters of education?  Anyone who has read the Constitution knows that the federal government has not one shred of authority in education matters.  Threatening the people with unnamed "consequences"?  By what authority can he make such a threat?  He, as so many others in government, thinks federal authorities rule over us rather than work for us.  Not only are we NOT their subjects we must NOT act as if we are.  

Review the logic the ACLU uses to deny parents right to choose where their children go to school.  It is not stated but their goal is to assure children are indoctrinated with government controlled curricula.   This goes all the way back to socialist John Dewey's era which started the demise of secondary education in America.

This synopsizes the problems with most current public schools. Quote: "If you want to see first-hand what the inclusiveness, tolerance, lack of discipline, and political correctness spawned during the 1960s has wrought in public education, read the new book out by Linda Ball, a public school teacher in Cincinnati, Ohio. Titled 185 Days: School Stories, Ms. Ball’s book pulls back the curtain on what really happens in public school classrooms today and why. The book is a chronicle of students who have no interest in education, teachers who have no authority, and parents who either are disengaged or non-existent."  Here is just one example of the arrogance of many public school boards.  Parent's are completely ignored by leftist elitists who promote sexualizing small children.  This is another look at the poor performance of so many of our public schools with an approach to improve them that makes sense.

Want to know at least one of the reasons for the slow 100 year change in how many Americans view the world, our nation, freedom, justice and respect for others, open and honest dialogue and the rule of law?  Just take a look at the dominate hard left faculties at our nations colleges and universities.  Quote: "It is a shame that our greatest universities have become ideologically monolithic," Georgetown law professor Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz told "At many of these schools, including Georgetown Law School, most students will graduate without ever laying eyes on a single Republican professor.”  And, "Ideally these universities would expose students to the most powerful arguments on both sides of the great issues, rather than indoctrinating them with the ideology of the far left.”   

This item addresses the tragedy of academic fascism.  It is going on in academic institutions across the country to the detriment of free speech, free expression, freedom of conscience which are being replaced by progressive policies to control speech and thought which only they decide what is acceptable and what is not.  This is a violation of basic human rights common in all past leftist governments throughout history.

Too many professionals are leaving the teaching profession out of frustration with controls and content imposed by government and lack of individual student discipline.  This is indicative of a real problem that requires public discourse that includes those attempting to impose their will on the public school system and parents.  It should never be a one way street.  Quote: "It’s troubling that in our society today students think that inside a school they can put their hands on each other and teachers as well,” added Jonathan Hodges, a veteran member of the school board. “I went online trying to find this video and I found numerous videos of teachers being attacked by their students.”

Finally, states are taking steps to rate public schools based on performance.  Quote: "Those who oppose the new letter grade evaluation system are trying to protect the established public education system and aren’t really interested in any reforms, no matter how successful they have been proven to be.  “Fundamentally, public school advocacy organizations feared that school performance grades would further erode taxpayers’ confidence in the public school system,” said Stoops. “These groups dismiss those who call for expanding school choice and other structural reforms because, in their mind, public schools are not failing. Few will agree that the system is working, however, when nearly 30 percent, which amounts to over 700 North Carolina schools, earn a ‘D’ or ‘F’ grade.”

George Burns

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