Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Destruction of Civility, Honesty, Moraity, Respect For Human Life and The Rule of Law 2

Read this item and you will note the continuing theme of government dictates overriding the First Amendment and seeking to force by civil law Christians to obey government dictates rather than honor their Christian conscience, a protected Constitutional right.  It should be noted that Justice Kennedy who authored the majority opinion specifically stated in that opinion that exactly what is now happening would not happen.  Another progressive lie, obviously.  Quote: "So this is how the game is played.  Leftist operatives in the courts (supreme and state) create unconstitutional laws to further their anti-God agenda.  Then leftists say those who disobey their lawless laws are not behaving like Christians and good Americans.  Many on our side fall for it. The SCOTUS' ruling on Obamacare and homosexual marriage means the Constitution will now say whatever leftists want it to say.  Folks, do you realize that based on this new precedent, the left can make anything they want a law?  Incest, pedophilia, bestiality, and so on?  Before you call me crazy, leftists are already clamoring for the normalization of these sins.  Have you heard of NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association)?   
Pure and simple the EPA is a rouge agency.  When it causes a major calamities with its incompetence it says "we're sorry" and moves on without any repercussions.  But when it wants to it levies huge fines on even those who follow their ridiculous regulations.  Quote: "Are you kidding me? When did our country become one nation under regulation? This man has been violated by the same rules he conformed to and obeyed. Disgusting."   This is just one example of many more.  The agency should either be shut down or have its powers seriously curbed.  

Finally, a judge makes a common sense ruling that honors the Constitution and respects the rights of individual citizens.

The Supreme Court has been wrong in the past and is wrong now. Quote: "To vocal opponents of judicial activism, this comes as little surprise. The U.S. Supreme Court has suffered a major credibility blow in the wake of its politically motivated 5-4 Obergefell v. Hodges “gay marriage” opinion. In it, they presumed to do the impossible – both redefine the age-old institution of natural marriage and to give this fictional definition precedent over freedoms actually enumerated in the Bill of Rights. According to Rasmussen, only “36 percent of Likely U.S. Voters still think the high court is doing a good or excellent job."

This writer makes the point that, in the eyes of some, laws are only to be obeyed if you agree with them.  In other words laws are pick and choose items.  He highlights the liberal/progressive hypocrisy in this game.   Need more evidence of the left's selectivity?  None of these elected officials went to jail over the same issue but this lowly clerk was forced by a judge to be jailed.  That is leftist justice for you.   This offers a crystal clear explanation that there is no existing law that establishes the right to same sex marriage.  Does this mean the judge who sent Kim Davis to jail for not issuing marriage licenses is in fact violating her rights since she there is no law for her to violate?  A declaration of a judge or even the Supreme Court does not constitute the writing of a is simply a ruling and in this case means the legislature has work to do.   Here's more. 

This is a short summary of the consequences of items like those above and below. 

This item should open the eyes of some who have long had them closed.  "The McGovern-Fraser Commission’s rules, enacted after the 1968 fiasco in Chicago, were designed to open up the Democrat Party’s national nomination conventions to previously “under-represented” groups, i.e., minorities -- especially blacks -- women, and young people.  Those rules succeeded, perhaps beyond their designers’ wildest dreams.  Fast-forward to the 2012 Democrat national nomination convention, and one sees just how the party’s delegates have changed.  Almost 500 of the delegates were from the LGBT movement. Women and minorities -- especially African Americans and Hispanics -- were well-represented.  Public school teachers -- mostly members of the National Education Association or the National Association of Teachers -- were the largest bloc of jobholders.
White working-class men and women were significantly underrepresented."

This movement is all about changing the order of things.  Quote: "LGBT's ongoing fight is not about a minority who didn't get a fair shake; it's about a majority being emasculated.  Don't apologize for your child's gender; embrace it.  Every child is a gift entrusted to parents and society.  Don't squander that gift just to fit in with the cause du jour.  Encourage your children to be the best they can be and protect them – not just from accidents or pedophiles, but from a misguided society.  Don't sacrifice your kids on the heterophobe's altar.  They deserve better.  We all do." 

Many claim that the LBGT community is all about equality, nothing more.  Read this item and you will see that activists in this community "in their own words" admit that is not their agenda.  Rather it is "While there are many layers to unfold, the almost instant explosion in government-sanctioned, anti-Christian extremism on display post Obergefell v. Hodges, confirms the poisonous three-fold agenda that underlies the “social justice” mob’s flowery “marriage equality” propaganda. That is: 1) the ultimate destruction of marriage, 2) forced affirmation of sexual deviancy under penalty of law, and 3) the eventual criminalization of Christianity."    Social science refutes feminists claims that same sex parents families are just as good as traditional male and female families.  This item discusses the matter.   This is indicative of the destructiveness of the whole sexual revolution perpetrated by the progressive/liberal academia, media, government, elitist enablers and Hollywood.

This is not pretty but it is certainly true.  Quote: "Our culture does a brisk business in dehumanized bodies, it seems. We have a 10 billion dollar industry selling viewing rights to various body parts in various configurations. That we already know about. Porn is the dehumanized body display case.  But if looking isn’t quite enough, you can also purchase dehumanized bodies, human meat, from sex traffickers if you’re so inclined. And now we find out that Planned Parenthood is auctioning off fetal body parts to the highest bidder as well. You know, if the previously available dehumanized bodies were too intact for your taste. Strangely, these various human meat markets are quite connected."

And this is even worse! By any measure these are acts of murder!!!  Quote: "The Center for Medical Progress’s project lead David Daleiden explains the gravity of this latest video. “Today’s video contains heartrending admissions about the absolute barbarism of Planned Parenthood’s abortion practice and baby parts sales in which fetuses are sometimes delivered intact and alive. Planned Parenthood is a criminal organization from the top down and should be immediately stripped of taxpayer funding and prosecuted for their atrocities against humanity.”   Take a look at these pictures.  The progressives at planned parenthood tell us they are nothing but tissue.  Not according to the pictures of these poor babies that were miscarried early in pregnancy.    This is an example of the political left's selective proclivity to hear no evil and see no evil that is real evil and which results directly from their own political philosophy.  Honesty is not their strong suit.

This is an opinion piece by a black commentator and is well worth reading.  Quote: "An outgrowth of the left's despicable gospel of victim-hood-ism is its equally despicable Black Lives Matter movement, which is based on the lie that cops routinely murder young black men.  The left's calculated impugning of police has lead to police across America ambushed and assassinated.  Upon completing this article, I turned on the TV, hearing breaking news.  As the result of a black radical group's clarion call to kill cops, Texas deputy Darren Goforth was assassinated, shot from behind execution-style while fueling his patrol car, by a black man.  When Goforth fell to the ground, his assassin stood over him, shooting multiple times.  Deputy Goforth leaves behind a wife and two kids."

This is another opinion piece that speaks to the enormous challenges facing our nation.  It is a call for all who love our country to get involved in ridding us of the gross corruption that is destroying us and work to replace it with one that respects all citizens and the rights granted us by the Constitution.   Quote: "We are now more than six years into the utter destruction of America being perpetrated by the Obama administration and abetted by his Radical Marxist/Islamist appointees in our Executive Branch.    Much damage was inflicted during Obama's first term, but the dark and tragic 2012 election when 51% of voters granted him a second term (the legitimacy of his " Presidency " is, for several reasons, highly suspect at best ) has resulted in literally a " reign of terror " during which our nation is rapidly being torn asunder.   Unless you are among those foolish Americans paying little or no attention to these cataclysmic events, you are woefully aware of how close we are as a nation in 2015, to political conditions that existed 1860 and in 1774."

George Burns

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