Thursday, September 11, 2014

This is what they do and say

This qualifies as dishonest behavior designed to make them look good (or at least minimize damage) while deceiving the public.

25 Americans are still alive not because of what Obama and Hillary did but because of what these men did.
Trying to win elections by using unethichal methods.  Been going on for some time.

The Export Import Bank is up for reauthorization.  Its benefits are dubious, mostly Boeing is the beneficiary.  Tax payers are on the hook.  Not a good deal given the nation's economy and the corporate welfare risk to tax payers.  What do you think?
This senatorial candidate is most presumptuous in his claim that two beheaded journalist agree with him.
An example of a Florida politician with absolutely no core principles.  He just want to be a politician, live on the public dole. 
The administration has to struggle to say anything good about the economy.  But they twist the facts anyway.
They seem to not be able to stop themselves from being unethical.
George Burns

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