Monday, September 15, 2014

Things Going Badly For the President, His Administration & The Democratic Party

The president, his administration and the Democratic party have real problems.  The administration has no credibility at home or abroad and members of his own party are slowly but surely distancing themselves from him.   Even liberal Senator Diane Feinstein claims that the president's illegal amnesty plan is illegal.

A former Attorney General claims the Obama administration is the most lawless in history.  Given the evidence this most certainly seems to be the case.

This is a very serious consequence of the federal government's refusal to enforce immigration laws already on the books.  Local schools are struggling to take care of the needs of illegal children here through no fault of their own but who constitute a burden on teachers/schools and enormous costs to taxpayers.
Some people don't like addressing things like this but ignoring them does not make them go away.  The fact is that our president is a liar.  He has proved that over and over.  Here, yet again.

Their avoidance of this reporting of facts like this makes them complicit in the problems the nation faces.

George Burns

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