Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Democrats & Republicans

Many comments by progressive/liberal/Democrat politicians and media moguls suggest that Republicans are void of ideas, a bunch of do nothings, mean, are racists and worse.  Their claims are not even close to true.  But, in politics truth is not an expected trait.  Ironically much of what they say is more appropriately attributable to them and their own actions and policies.  This note is not an endorsement of Republicans (there is plenty to not like).  And it certainly does not support Democrats (there is even more to not like).  Both parties to my way of thinking are mostly comprised of a bunch of self-serving, power hungry rogues with few if any principles.  There are some in both parties that are honorable and respectable representatives of the people who seek to do good according to their principles, the Constitution, their constituents and the nation.  But only a few.  Most have a vastly over-inflated view of themselves and their importance, bend with public winds/popular views, dutifully follow the party line and/or grovel at the feet of moneyed power brokers.  Rarely do they embrace the desires of their constituents, the people...except at election time.  Readers will understand where I am coming from as this email unfolds.  I urge you to read at least five of these items starting with the first two.  







George Burns

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