Friday, September 26, 2014

Issues Of Race

If blacks would assume the attitude of this successful black man and if white apologists for black victimhood would stop their senseless actions things would start to improve. 

This black leader strongly disagrees with President Obama's immigration policy.

A black man's story.  Not the traditional whine of victimhood but an uplifting story.

Contrast the content and tone of the words of this black man considering a run for the presidency with those you so often hear from our current president.   Quite a difference, huh?

Now read these.

The knockout game continues.  Although this case constitutes black on white crime, the Justice Department to this point, has not labeled it or any others like it as hate crimes.  The only hate crime charge resulting from these heinous acts has been levied against a white man who assaulted a black man.  In the linked case the assault was committed against a white pregnant woman but it still is not considered a hate crime because the perpetrator(s) is black.  In other words blacks apparently do not commit hate crimes -.that, of course makes absolutely no sense at all.  I thought we lived in a country that believed in equal justice under the law.  Not so under Obama and Holder.   Here's more. 

This black leader is and has for a long time been a racist activist - promoting divisiveness.  Take note of his absence in addressing the brutal beating of a white motorist by black thugs.

George Burns

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