Sunday, May 25, 2014

You Will Not Believe Obama's Latest Group On Which To Blame His Failures

It worked for his predecessors.  Why not him?  Both he and Harry Reid need to put a mirror in front of their faces.

This woman is a disgusting, lying you know what.  Anyway, if Obama can do it do so can she.  What a disgusting leftist group we have in Washington.

This man is also disgusting.  But at least he is retiring thank goodness.

This man is a disgrace.  What real leader fosters discord civil unrest?  He is suppose to represent all the people.  But using his usual politics of division he does the opposite.  

And this is what he says about the Constitution which as President he as sworn to defend and uphold.  Once again he proves that he is a disgrace. 

This item highlights just another in a long list of demonstrated incompetence.

There may be some who disagree with me and claim is misrepresent the facts.  If so, please tell me where I am wrong.

George Burns

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