Black violence against whites continues.  Leadership in Washington DC is silent as are all the so called black community leadership.  Why?  Here is a recent example.

This woman sees right through the superficiality of collective black support of Obama simply because he is black, ignoring his absence of moral character and numerous policy failures.

This is violence spawned by progressive dogma that whites are responsible for repressed blacks and taking out their hatred against innocent whites is okay.  Black and white liberals/progressives can say that is not true but their actions or rather inaction and avoiding the subject tells the tale.  This thinking is idiotic.  Check it out.  In Africa today blacks enslave blacks.  Today in America blacks can achieve whatever their time, effort, abilities, opportunity and dedication allow.  But what they achieve is up to them.  No one is standing in their way.  We have a black president for heaven's sake!  Stop stoking the racist theme and let all people of all colors seek their calling.  

Why is it that Democrats can say racist things and nobody cares but if a conservative says anything that could be interpreted as racists all h**l breaks loose, especially by the media?  And, traditional professional race baiters.  See this item.

This sheds light on the misconceptions of racial bias.  As a black economist says "The takeaway from the Sterling affair is that we should mount not a moral crusade but an economic liberty crusade. In other words, eliminate union restrictions, wage controls, occupational and business licensure, and other anti-free market restrictions. Make opportunity depend on one’s productivity."   Same theme but another take.

Now tell me why this school would deem this first grade school talent show to be racist.  This progressive racist PC special selected group privilege stuff is way, way out of hand.  According to them people are no longer allowed to just be people.  People come in all colors, shapes, sizes, etc..  Why can't we just leave it at that?

George Burns