Sunday, May 25, 2014

Just A Tiny Bit Of What Our Leftist Secular Humanist Culture Has Wraught

Kids this young learned this stuff from a permissive culture fostering anything goes.  Morality is not inherent in progressivism.  To them morality is whatever you decide it is - everything is relative.  This behavior on the part of the perpetrators and the harm done to the victim will haunt them for the rest of their lives.

A follow up to the first item.  This is the consequence of extreme leftist policies which promote every thing goes.  Our schools are corrupt, entertainment media is corrupt, PC culture makes it nearly impossible to have anything close to an intelligent discussion about anything the left promotes.  There is much more to add.  But I ask you to pray for these little kids who have been robbed of childhood because of the rotten culture the leftist have imposed on us. 

Christianity if forbidden but Islam must be accepted.  You will not believe this.  It is a sign that our progressive, secular humanistic culture is giving in to Islam while it tosses out Christianity.   They will be sorry.  Just take a look at what is happening in Europe.  

This provides a brief view of how Muslims treat women.  This man killed his wife and claims he was justified in doing so.  The welcoming arms of the liberal left and Obama's open collaboration with them gives credence to their cause.

The Progressive's politically correct culture gave us this horrible situation. 

George Burns

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