Friday, May 2, 2014

Do These Smack Of Hiding Evidence/Truth For Political Reasons?

These items illustrate how low ethics in government and the mainstream media have sunk.

Email evidence.  White House Deputy National Security Advisor told Susan Rice (and other White House official) to tell the world that the Benghazi disaster was caused by the infamous video and was not a terrorist attack on the embassy.   The goal?  To protect President Obama's reelection campaign.   and here.

The Benghazi episode is one that Obama intends to drag out as long as possible hoping we will either lose interest or forget about it.  Not gonna happen!  There is something very wrong here with more and more evidence like that above proving that lies have been told to protect the president during last year's reelection cycle.  Does that mean Obama fraudently won the election?
What did the mainstream media report of these latest revelations?  Oh, I forgot.  They do not think it newsworthy.  You know, admitting that both they and the administration lie to the public is not worthy of mention.   Here are two more items.   And this from the only mainstream journalist with the guts to investigate the matter but was stonewalled by her CBS management.

When did asking for government information become a reason to sue the requestor?

The hypocritical mainstream media have long protected two big time billionaire supporters of progressive/Democrat causes (George Soros and Donald Sterling).  One continues to benefit from their absence of coverage of his misdeeds.  Now that the other has been publically exposed for the miscreant he is, they will seek to distance themselves because of his racism, something they knew about for many years.   This item illustrates the hypocrisy of the left generally and mainstream media specifically when dealing with Sterling's racism and promoters of abortion.

George Burns

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