My recent email discussing the National Climate Assessment (NCA) and the president's intention to unilaterally deal with the "problem" of man-caused climate change using taxpayer money to do so.  Increasing evidence to the contrary and flaws within the NCA do not matter to him.  He knows he is right.  He will forgo dealing with understood and actionable problems and instead tilt at windmills, no pun intended.  Here is a summary of the early fallout resulting from the flaws being found in the NCA.

Contrary facts are meaningless when climate scientists/climate change advocates argue that the globe is warming.  Like the president they just know they are right.  and here is just one specific example of denial of reality.  Quote:  "Apparently coverage of the NCA is waning fast in the mainstream media. One can see why, given the historical collusion between most of the MSM and the climate alarmists. As the flailings of the NCA and its supporting documents are progressively exposed by the alternative media, there will continue to be efforts made to sweep the fundamental flaws in this assessment under the rug."   Here is an example of another error (lie) found in the NCA.

To follow up the previous paragraph the next link highlights the contents of a scathing rebuttal of the NCA produced by 15 scientists, calling it a "masterpiece of marketing".  You can review the contents here:   The article discussing the rebuttal is here:
Scientists skeptical that mankind is causing the Earth’s climate to change say that such claims are based on false theories and flawed models. The White House report is a “masterpiece of marketing” that is trying to scare people into action, scientists said.
Scientists skeptical that mankind is causing the Earth’s climate to change say that such claims are based on false theories and flawed models. The White House report is a “masterpiece of marketing” that is trying to scare people into action, scientists said.
Scientists skeptical that mankind is causing the Earth’s climate to change say that such claims are based on false theories and flawed models. The White House report is a “masterpiece of marketing” that is trying to scare people into action, scientists said.

The Obama administration and environmentalists have tried to make it seem like there are virtually no dissenting voices among scientists that mankind is causing the Earth to warm rapidly and towards a catastrophic end. But not all scientists are in lock-step with the White House on climate science.
“By ignoring and even denouncing growing criticism, they have lost the benefit of crucial scientific debates which are critical to keeping their analyses honest and objective,” the 15 skeptical scientists wrote. “In fact… they are even disregarding their usual allies, the U.N. IPCC and U.S. National Academy of Sciences, both of whom have been dialing back apocalyptic claims, not amplifying them due at least in part to such critical feedback.”

Warming scientists pressure conformance of colleagues who disagree with them  Quote:  "This sort of pressure to conform to groupthink is an implicit admission of the weakness of Anthropogenic Global Warming Theory. Real science welcomes skepticism as the engine of progress."

Quote:  "Three weeks ago, Lennart Bengtsson, a leading Swedish meteorologist approaching his 80s, announced that he was joining the avowedly skeptical Global Warming Policy Foundation think tank."  To learn the reason why, read this link.  It will sadden you to know the ill treatment he received from his alarmist colleagues upon expressing concerns that scientific facts do not match observable evidence and climate model predictions.

Quote:  "Given how often the '97 per cent' consensus figure is quoted by politicians and scientists alike to justify the extreme measures being adopted to 'combat climate change', you can well understand why the alarmist establishment is so eager to suppress this inconvenient truth [that the globe is not warming due to human activity].   Their ability to do so for much longer, however, looks increasingly doubtful. The word is out: establishment climate science is little more than pseudo-science, propped up by bullying political activists, but unsupported by real-world data."

Quote:   "Just as the left has no practical solution for global warming it has had no solution for arms control, universal healthcare, in fact, the expenses of the welfare state. Arms control always depended on the United States, a nation that abides by its treaties, signing a treaty with Russia, a nation that does not abide by its treaties. Universal health care’s costs are proving to be catastrophic and will be unsustainable. The welfare state runs up bills that in the end will bankrupt us. Yet the dutiful leftists plods on, insisting that the answer to all our problems are readily available."

This article from last December briefly sums up the situation facing climate alarmists.   Quote:  "Global warming will kill us. Global cooling will kill us. And if it’s 54 and partly cloudy, you should probably flee for your life right now. Maybe scientists might usefully consider moving to being less hung up on 'consensus' – a most unscientific and, in this context, profoundly corrupting concept."

By the way I have not had any takers to my earlier note soliciting feedback (pro/con) relative to my obvious view that the climate alarmist movement is not based on hard science but is a response to political advocacy pressures and funding.

George Burns