Friday, May 22, 2020

Oregon Government Orders Facebook to Remove Gateway Pundit Article on Republican Ballot Scandal

Gateway Pundit readers may recall a recent story we did that shed light on hundreds, possibly thousands, of Oregon voters who mysteriously had their party changed, most from Republican to Non Affiliated, without their permission, consent or knowledge, effectively denying them the right to vote in their party's primary and disqualifying them from being Precinct Committee Persons.

Earlier today Facebook gave The Gateway Pundit a strike for posting this story even though we had 32 statements from different Oregon Republican voters to back up our report.

Despite hundreds of people coming forward with similar stories about how they received a non affiliated ballot, and despite many screenshots from the Facebook group mentioned in our article, Facebook's infamous "Fact checkers" deemed the story as "Misinformation" at the request of the Oregon state government.

Did Oregon change hundreds of Republican ballots to non-partisan, thus denying Republican voters the right to participate in the state's primary? No, that's not true: Oregon voters who received the non-partisan ballots because they never took the second step of declaring a party affiliation, a spokeswoman for the Oregon secretary of state told Lead Stories.

The story went viral after an article cited a group of people on Facebook claiming they did not receive a Republican ballot to vote in the May 19, 2020, primary and instead were given "Non-partisan" ballots against their wishes.

Gateway Pundit noted that the "Confusion" in the situation may lie with the way the DMV registers voters.

While our initial article used screencaptures from the My Party Was Changed Oregon facebook group, here are several more screen captures from people who received the wrong ballot and hadn't been to the DMV in quite some time.

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