Wednesday, October 9, 2024

A summary of the evidence against the COVID vaccines

Here’s a short list of some of my other favorite pieces of evidence that are consistent with the vaccines are unsafe and cannot be explained otherwise: The 19” clots pulled from vaccinated people .

For a shorter summary of the argument, see The New Zealand data leaked by whistleblower Barry Young is unassailable proof the COVID vaccines increase your risk of death.

I can now finally prove, using gold-standard record-level data, that both mRNA shots increased all-cause mortality and that other brands were worse.

The shortest “proof” of the lack of any benefits and impact on mortality is in this article: The COVID vaccine: all risk, no benefit Here’s a list of over 50 pieces of evidence.

I'm not the only embalmer seeing this.” Del Bigtree : "No safety trial was ever properly done on any of the vaccines.

The first 20 years in my field, I don't ever recall seeing clots like this.

New Zealand’s baseline death rates and peak are up since the COVID vaccine rollout.

Even if the shots are restricted to before COVID starts, mortality rises even though background mortality rates are falling.

In every time period, after the shots are given mortality rises.

NZ data: Doses 2 and 4 were given while background mortality was falling, dose 3 while rising.

Now you know that whether vaccines are safe or not is an absolute guess .

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