Monday, May 27, 2024

New Human Vaccines Are Already Developed And Stockpiled For A Pandemic Flu That Doesn't Even Exist Yet

New vaccines for pandemic bird flu have already been developed and stockpiled by the U.S. government.

Even though this strain of bird flu has not even been transmitted from human-to-human, there is already a new supply of H5N1 vaccines and other mRNA "Bird flu" vaccines in the works.

"They already have vaccines prepared should bird flu spread to humans. How do they already have a vaccine? It's all based on genetic code and they know the genetic code," Dr. McCullough said.

While the current risk of transmission to humans is extremely low, the very existence of a bird flu vaccine stockpile should make anyone wonder whether a specific strain of the bird flu has already been developed or is currently being worked on for mass release into the population.

All the conditions for a new pandemic are in place again, and the interests that seek to profit from a new pandemic are already clamoring for control - starting with predatory vaccine programs and "Pandemic treaties" that give more power to globalists, enriching their multi-national businesses interests.

Since a vaccine is already developed and stockpiled for a bird flu strain that hasn't even evolved yet, the economic and societal pressure to unleash a new pandemic is imminent.

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