Wednesday, May 29, 2024

BLM Versus Lockdowns: Four Years Later

The contrast between the lockdowns for the virus and the widespread tolerance and encouragement of gatherings to protest racism, followed by lockdowns once those were over, followed by gatherings to celebrate Trump’s defeat, all in the course of one political season, was just too much for many observers. It was this back-and-forth, selective manipulation of public-health messaging that began to unravel the entire Covid regime. It broke the psychology of compulsion and control, and revealed the underlying vacuity of the entire calamity.

Whitmer's tune changed when BLM protesters and rioters arrived in Detroit in June.

At the time of her BLM political rally, she threatened citizens with 90 days in jail if they violated her stay-at-home order, though enforcement depended on their political persuasion.

"One person sneezes - another person gets intubated STAY HOME. SAVE LIVES." Just weeks after he shut down church pastors for hosting drive-in sermons, BLM protesters were immune from law enforcement.

The gym owners hadn't flipped over cars or torched police vehicles like the BLM protesters in Trenton, and the pool party didn't descend into gang violence like the "Anti-racism" movement in Atlantic City.

Former CDC Director Tom Frieden warned in a Washington Post op-ed that violating stay-at-home orders and lockdowns could "Overwhelm health-care facilities, killing doctors, nurses, patients, and others." Protests against shuttering businesses and schools was akin to mass homicide to Frieden, but there was a policy exception for the George Floyd riots.

"Protests against systemic racism, which foster the disproportionate burden of COVID-19 on Black communities and also perpetuates police violence, must be supported." Meanwhile, protests against stay-at-home orders "Not only oppose public health interventions but are also rooted in white nationalism and run contrary to respect for Black lives," they explained.

The contrast between the lockdowns for the virus and the widespread tolerance and encouragement of gatherings to protest racism, followed by lockdowns once those were over, followed by gatherings to celebrate Trump's defeat, all in the course of one political season, was just too much for many observers.

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