Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Covid Is Not a Mass Psychosis – It Is a Political Graft Machine and Posadist Ideology

How do we know viruses exist? Well one way is that egg manufacturers get a huge payment from the FDA when they declare that their flock of chickens has broken out with an epidemic of fictional Avian Flu virus.

Something similar goes on in hospitals, virology laboratories, medical schools, pharmaceutical companies, veterinary schools and clinics, public health agencies, universities, and legislatures where representatives receive legal bribes for pushing legislation that invents fictional viruses to subsidize and buy off special interest groups.

Fictional viruses have become a giant self-fulfilling prophecy or social fact.

Imagination as a basis of science is reflected in Einstein's notion of the atom-electron-neutron particles which, like a virus, has never been seen and is fictional as pointed out by Dewey Larson.

The political economy of fictional viruses is not the only social fictional economy created by social engineers.

Economist Jens Beckert has demonstrated how social fictions drive such modern political economies in his book Imagined Futures: Fictional Expectations and Capitalist Dynamics.

Fictional viruses are so institutionally vested that it is effectually impossible to disestablish them.

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