Monday, October 3, 2022

The Coming Green Electricity Nightmare

 The feds could decree that thousands of miles of new transmission lines are in the "National interest" if the lines "Enhance the ability" of faraway wind and solar facilities to connect their intermittent, weather-dependent energy to an electric grid; or enable distant blue states to reach their renewable energy goals; or help achieve Biden Administration goals of stopping manmade climate change, "Advancing environmental justice" and having "a net-zero economy" by 2050.

Compounding the energy colonialism, the Manchin reform package would also give FERC authority to allocate and "Socialize" transmission line costs, so that residents of states that don't even get any of the electricity being sent along the newly imposed transmission lines would still have to help pay for them.

The Green Lobby and its legislator and regulator friends really seem to think they can just pass laws and earmark subsidies, demanding energy transformations by 2050 - and it will just happen.

How many billions of tons of copper, steel, aluminum, nickel, cobalt, lithium, concrete, rare earths, composite plastics and other materials? How many trillions of tons of ores and overburden? How many mines, across how many more acres - with how much fossil fuel energy to operate the enormous mining equipment, and how much toxic air and water pollution emitted in the process? Where will it be done?

How many processing plants and factories would be needed? How much fossil fuel power to run those massive operations? How many thousands of square miles of toxic waste pits all over world under zero to minimal environmental standards, workplace safety standards, child and slave labor rules?

How many will survive hurricanes like Ian or Andrew? Where will we dump the green energy trash?

Yet we're supposed to go along with Green Energy schemes - as we did with masks, school lockdowns and vaccinations to stop Covid - because our government, media and "Public interest" groups insist that we "Follow the science," on which there can be no doubt that we face a "Manmade climate crisis" that threatens the very existence of humanity and "The only Earth we have."

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