Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Only 'National Security' Necessary Is The Elimination Of The 'National Security State'

The term 'national security' is nothing more than propaganda based on unwarranted fearmongering

  • "National Security" is the excuse for every form imaginable of tyranny, totalitarianism, privacy destruction, abuse of freedoms, aggression, terror, and war. It is based completely on false fear; fear planted in the minds of the people in order to force (goad) them to run to government and the state for protection from fabricated enemies.
  • The U.S. national security state has been built on the blood and property of every American citizen, and has grown into a bureaucratic behemoth unimagined in earlier times.

If the so-called 'national security' arm of the state can be eliminated or made impotent, the power of government to monitor and control the masses will be severely curtailed, allowing for more liberty and less restriction.

  • In order for this heinous security state to be castrated, we as individuals must stop relying on government promises of protection, stand on our own as individuals en masse, and destroy the entire notion of a ‘national security state’

Freedom and legitimate national security are one and the same

  • The so-called state and its false promise of national security spells aggression, restriction and regulation, fascist control, murder, and slavery
  • In order to regain freedom, the elimination of government and its national security state must be achieved

90,000 additional IRS agents/70,000 of them armed

  • Gary D. Barnett
  • Former investment professional and contributor to Cynthia McKinney’s book, “When China Sneezes”
  • He lives in Montana with his wife and son. 

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