Sunday, July 24, 2022

The Washington Post Pushes False History to Cover Up Its False Journalism

Watergate: A New History

  • Half a century has passed since the arrests of five men at the Democratic National Committee’s offices inside the Watergate office complex, raising the question: “do we need another Watergate book?”
  • “We’ll never know the full truth” because “its remaining mysteries are spread among too many people, many of whom are dead."
  • Graff can’t fathom who ordered the break-in and why

Felt's motivation was to keep the investigation free of "whitewash," as he urged his boss Patrick Gray in their first post-arrest meeting.

  • There, in fact, are a number of solid answers to the "mysteries" he (and the Post) wish to keep in the realm of unsolved questions.

How does Graff treat the stunning revelations of Secret Agenda and Silent Coup?

  • Graff shows that a key critic has disdained each of these two works.
  • Regarding Hougan's brilliant work, the esteemed critic called it a collection of more "working hypotheses than proven conclusions."
  • Another critic called Silent Coup a "byzantine piece of revisionism" and one of "the most boring conspiracy books ever written" despite its "wild charges and vilifications."

Why do we need a 679-page work that says nothing can really be proven about this murky affair?

  • Like the other purportedly unsolvable mysteries of Watergate, there is a solid answer. It was written by Leonard Downie, Jr., the former executive editor of the Washington Post who for years fought off compelling new revelations of facts the Post should have reported during Watergate. 

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