Sunday, July 24, 2022

Pushing Bug Consumption Wasn't Enough for NY Times, So Now They're Pushing Cannibalism

They promoted acceptance of fictional cannibalism while clearly hinting at it becoming a trend in real life.

One might read the article as more than just pushing acceptance of of cannibalism.

A blatant attempt to justify cannibalism wouldn't work for a publication like the NY Times, but getting people to ask the question of themselves is the intention.

One line from the article reads, "But as his book documents, cannibalism has occurred around the world throughout history, lending these fictional tales a queasy whiff of 'what if?'".

As noted, much of the article is couched in the popular fiction that regarding cannibalism that has become far more prevalent today, but there are subtle uses of wordplay throughout the article that play the right psychological notes to make some readers curious.

"The show's tension is in the knowledge that you know cannibalism is coming, but when? And why?".

Whether they're pushing cannibalism to make bugs seem not so bad or if they're really trying to get people to start eating each other when the food shortages get bad enough is unknown, but either way they're evil. 

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