Wednesday, July 27, 2022

What's REALLY behind today's youth transgender craze?

First of all, the forbidden truth has to be stated clearly and unequivocally: It is impossible for a male to become a female, or for a female to become a male. Period.

Incredibly, countless LGBT activists, including many public school teachers, have taken to proselytizing this new transgender salvation to America's children, resulting in untold numbers of school kids being led into lives of not just unending conflict, confusion, suffering and disability, but far too often - as multiple studies prove - suicide.

Why are so many public-school teachers and others with access to America's children intent on pushing them to identify as transgender?

There is much more, of course, but the question of what is really behind the shocking and frankly evil campaign to recruit beautiful, undefiled but highly impressionable children into "Identifying" as transgender is, along with other vital questions, powerfully illuminated in ways not seen or heard in other media - all in the July issue of WND's critically acclaimed Whistleblower magazine, headlined "WHAT'S REALLY BEHIND THE TRANSGENDER CRAZE?".

"U.S. has more transgender youth than ever - but in which states, and why? Psychologist says 'social contagion' via social media is the biggest culprit" by Laurel Duggan.

"Wake up, America: Cultural Marxism is 'identifying' as transgenderism: Former transgender exposes 'devalue, dehumanize and destroy' strategy" by Walt Heyer.

With such genuine wickedness openly manifesting in "The land of the free," what can good Americans do about the precarious state of their country? During this time of genuine tribulation and even persecution, how should moral, right-thinking Americans, who work hard, love their country, honor its history and obey its laws - and who don't pretend there are dozens of new genders and that America is a despicable racist hellhole - now respond? That's the all-important question answered in "TRIBULATION AND REDEMPTION IN AMERICA.". 

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