Saturday, May 28, 2022

The Left Is Chaos Incarnate

Reviled by the institutional Left and some legacy GOP, President Trump was portrayed as the chief reason for the chaos wracking the nation-and, yes, he hurt himself by issuing sundry intemperate remarks on a host of subjects.

From the time he was duly elected, the chaos was deliberately stoked by the Left.

The Left falsely accused Trump of having colluded with Russia.

The Left demanded the 25th Amendment be used to remove Trump and, failing that, unsuccessfully tried to impeach and remove him twice.

At the height of the 2020 campaign, the Left took to the streets for the less-than-peaceful protests to establish a narrative of chaos in "Donald Trump's America."

It is to begin the process of looking past the personalities projected by both the Left and the Right in order to divine the root cause of the chaos roiling our country that, far from abating, has accelerated under the Biden Administration.

Since the Left is hellbent on doing this, chaos ensues. 

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