Tuesday, May 31, 2022

No, Senate Republicans, the FBI Does Not Deserve a Raise

The day before FBI Director Christopher Wray explained to a Senate appropriations subcommittee why his department deserves a $527.8 million raise.

That involved at least a dozen undercover FBI agents and informants working out of numerous FBI offices and required approval from top FBI officials in Washington.

The rot is festering; after facing no consequences for any number of illicit scandals over the past several years, Wray's FBI is emboldened.

One has to look no further than the scummy FBI agents and informants responsible for the Whitmer kidnapping hoax, another FBI attempt.

In one gushing exchange during the hearing, Senator Lindsey Graham-the former chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee who promised and failed for years to "Get to the bottom" of the FBIs politically-motivated investigation into Trump's 2016 presidential campaign-and Wray flirted with the idea of giving the FBI more money.

Of course, the FBI does not deserve a raise-instead, its headquarters should be razed and the department completely overhauled if not abolished.

Rewarding the FBI with a half-billion in tax dollars would not just be a slap in the face to Republican voters but also to every victim of the FBI's shoddy, unaccountable practices.


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