Monday, May 30, 2022

In the BLM Year, 52% of Black Teens Who Died Were Murdered

"More than half of all black teens who died in 2020-a staggering 52%-were killed by gun violence," it shockingly observes.

Black Lives Matter has called the rare police shootings of black men, "Genocide".

Even well before this the CDC's own numbers found that among black men under the age of 20, homicide is the leading cause of death at 35.3%. It's also the leading cause of death for black men from 20-44 years old at 27.6%. 10,548 black men and 2,911 white men were the victims of gun homicides in 2020.

Black Lives Matter and the wave of pro-crime measures such as mass criminal releases, police defunding, and bail elimination, helped send the black murder rate sky high.

Much as Russians were expected to believe that there was not enough food to go around in a Communist country because of the capitalists, Americans are supposed to think that black men are shooting black women because of "Structural inequities".

Were there suddenly 49% more "Structural inequities" in 2020? Or did shutting down the criminal justice system at the behest of the Left and its Black Lives Matter puppets make it far more likely that black men, women, and children would be shot by unimprisoned criminals?

The death toll among black people in the year of Black Lives Matter shows the bloody price of those reforms. 

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