Friday, May 27, 2022

Covid Lies: Autopsies, PCR Test, Cause of Death and Hospital Protocols

Dr. Yeadon's additional observations include fraud assessed; fraud rehearsed; autopsies; PCR test; cause of death; hospital protocols; experimental vaccines; revised definitions; bizarre statements; boosters and antibodies; Neil Ferguson's track record; and, prescient testimonies.

This article relates to Dr. Yeadon's additional observations: autopsies; PCR tests; cause of death; and, hospital protocols.

"Why were autopsies strongly discouraged worldwide in 2020 and still today? My conclusion is that this was to cover up the lack of Covid-19 deaths. After vaccination, a large fraction of deaths have been judged to be due to the vaccines, and the lack of autopsies covers them up, too." - Dr. Mike Yeadon, The Covid Lies.

"The Nobel-prize-winning inventor of the PCR test, Dr. Kary Mullis, stated definitively that PCR must not be used to diagnose viral illnesses. On what basis were"cases" determined purely by the results of this one test, much disputed as to its appropriateness?" - Dr. Mike Yeadon, The Covid Lies.

"A death from any cause, within 28 days of a positive test for SARS-CoV-2, is recorded as a"Covid death".

The effect of untrustworthy PCR tests and the arbitrary assignment of a dubious "Positive" as somehow causative of death has been a very effective way to fool and frighten people.

Source Dr. Mike Yeadon wrote a paper titled 'The Covid Lies' which was published on the Doctors for Covid Ethics website. 

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