Monday, January 17, 2022

Voters Disagree With Democrat Lawmakers About Voter ID - Democrats Don't Care

According to D.C. Mayor Bowser and every harpy Democrat on Capitol Hill, that's racist voter suppression.

Never mind that a vast majority of normal voters and Democrats think an ID to vote makes perfect sense, Democrat mayors and their Capitol Hill counterparts disagree.

The original AP story, titled "Legitimate Voters Blocked by Photo ID Laws" was carried widely in America's newspapers.

Indiana's voter ID law had been in place for 6 years - Ed and Mary had voted before.

CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, have pushed the lie that voting laws as simple as asking someone in the 21st century to have ID to vote are racist.

The left will continue to bellow about "Racist" voter laws when the majority of voters think rules to vote make sense.

As long as the vote keeps them in power, Democrats don't care if a voter is no more informed than a head of corn. 

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