Saturday, January 29, 2022

AZ AUDIT: Special Master Names Computer Experts To Examine Maricopa County Routers And Splunk Logs

A listing of all MAC addresses for all devices utilized in the November 2020 general election.

Complete listing of the Splunk indexers including the MAC address and IP address.

Collective analysis, using Red Seal, of all routers contained in the Maricopa County.

Network and routing reports to the internet for each interface.

Netflow and splunk data related to any unauthorized access by Elliot Kerwin or his affiliates of the Maricopa County registration server and/or network.

All splunk data related to the following windows logs on the EMS Server: EMS Workstations, Adjudication Workstations, ICC systems, HiPro Scanners, and thePoll Worker laptops.

For each of the foregoing questions, please limit your answers to the time period beginning on October 7, 2020 and ending on November 20, 2020. 

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