Saturday, January 29, 2022

Can vaccine NERVE DAMAGE be REVERSED with this home-grown molecule called sulforaphane?

  A molecule found in home-grown sprouts is documented to activate nervous system stem cells to regrow nerve tissue and repair damaged nerves and brains. This molecule is created automatically, at zero cost, when broccoli sprouts are sprouted using something as simple as a mason jar and a sprouting lid.

The molecule is called sulforaphane, and it’s found in all cruciferous vegetables. But its highest concentrations (by far) are found in broccoli sprouts.

Sulforaphane is just one of many “neuritogenic” molecules that are known to regenerate nerve tissue and help repair damaged brains. Given that mRNA spike protein vaccines cause direct damage to neurological and vascular systems, sulforaphane may represent one of the most important, promising natural molecules to help repair and restore brain damage in vaccine victims. has done extensive research on sulforaphane and other natural molecules. Their list of neuritogenic substances, found at this link, shows all the following substances exhibiting documented neurological repair capabilities: 

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