Monday, January 31, 2022

The Mysterious Case of the Absence of Evidence

Ran an IFLE story under the headline "Fact check: No evidence defunding police to blame for homicide increases, experts say."

The "Experts say" part of the headline is a sly admission that IFLE really means I am feeling stupid, or IAFS. When someone points out that politicians degraded the anti-homicide infrastructure and an increase in homicide followed, that is evidence.

In the order denying the motion, the "Facts" section states, "Despite the lack of any evidence of voter fraud or election tampering 'a significant portion of the population came to believe the election was tainted by fraud, disregard of state election law, misconduct by election officials and other factors.'" The words "Despite the lack of any evidence" through "Tampering" were added to a quotation from the plaintiff's complaint.

The "Facts" are supported by evidence and decisions are made based on "Burdens of persuasion" such as "Preponderance of evidence", "Clear and convincing evidence" and evidence that is "Beyond a reasonable doubt".

In criminal cases there may be instances where there is a lot of evidence, even clear and convincing evidence, that the defendant murdered the victim, but no conviction because a reasonable person could doubt it.

Facts can be established in court by the submission of testimony, physical evidence, and documentary evidence.

If a near-majority of the electorate believes important political things for which there is a "Lack of any evidence" the ground for living in a representative republic seems unstable indeed.

The taking of notice of a "Lack of any evidence" of misconduct in 2020 is an attack, whether witting or not, of a serious kind on the very idea of government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Perhaps this best explains the un-finessed thought that there exists zero evidence to support the opinions of almost half the electorate about the conduct of the 2020 election.

Defenders of representative republicanism would be better off admitting there is evidence.

Without evidence, I submit that John Wood said, more than once, there is no evidence for that. 

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