Friday, January 28, 2022

After White House denial, CNN scrubs report on alarming leak from Biden's call with Ukrainian president

Chaos erupted online after CNN ran with a leaked report about alleged statements President Joe Biden made to the president of Ukraine in a phone call amidst rising tension from the possibility of a Russian invasion.

Biden spoke with President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday about the threat from Russia but a leaked report claimed that he told Zelensky an invasion was virtually certain and that the country should "Prepare for impact."

That report was regurgitated by numerous CNN reporters, and covered by Jake Tapper on his show on the Cable News Network before the White House said the claims were false.

A spokesperson for Zelensky released a statement backing the claims of the White House that the leaked report was untrue.

Here's the latest version of the story from CNN:. Christopher Miller of Buzzfeed News said that his source in Zelensky's office confirmed that the comments claimed by the leaked report were an accurate depiction of what Biden said on the call.

Some wondered if CNN had been forced by the White House to delete an accurate report.

"CNN either completely botched a report that could impact whether or not Russia invades Ukraine, Or they got it right and got bullied out of reporting truth by Biden admin. It was probably botched," tweeted Brent Scher of the Free Beacon. 

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