Sunday, December 26, 2021

Denmark Vaccination Effectiveness Study Shows Interesting Result, Deserves Much More Inquiry

A Denmark study of vaccine effectiveness to "Prevent infection", and that's a key point, shows both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine benefits essentially disappear after 90 days to six months.

Now, some people are interpreting the bottom line result to say the vaccine makes you more susceptible to Omicron variant infection after the 150 day point [SEE HERE].

The data does show that during the 91 to 150 day waning period of vaccine effectiveness, the vaccinated group who used Pfizer were 76.5% more likely to be infected with a variant versus the unvaccinated population.

If the total population Omicron infection rates for both Pfizer and Moderna groups mirror the vaccination rates for Pfizer and Moderna, then the vaccine effectiveness is nil for the prevention of Omicron infection.

People are rightly worried that the vaccination itself might make you dependent on the vaccine forever.

Does the vaccine itself make you more prone to infection from a variant that defeats the vaccine-specific immunity response.

Ex. If the vaccination rate in the total population was 80%, the hospitalization rate for vaccinated individuals was essentially 80%. These reviews implied originally the vaccine was useless against severe outcomes requiring hospitalization. 

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