Friday, December 31, 2021

After Two Years of Lying, Fauci Finally Admits Many Children Hospitalized "With" Covid, Not "Because of" Covid

While being interviewed by MSNBC host Ayman Mohyeldin, filling in for Rachel Maddow, Fauci admitted that many of the children who are in the hospital with Covid-19 are not in the hospital because of the disease.

Fauci says many kids are actually hospitalized "With" Covid, not "From" Covid, so child Covid hospitalization numbers are inflated.

The portion that preceded this video seemed to be the same-old lying Fauci as he detailed that Covid is putting more kids in the hospital.

"First of all, quantitatively, you're having so many more people, including children, who are getting infected. And even though hospitalization among children is much, much lower on a percentage basis than hospitalizations for adults, particularly elderly individuals," he said, "When you have such a large volume of infections among children, even with a low level of rate of infection, you're going to still see a lot more children who get hospitalized."

"But the other important thing is that if you look at the children who are hospitalized, many of them are hospitalized with Covid as opposed to because of Covid," Fauci continued.

"And what we mean by that - if a child goes in the hospital, they automatically get tested for Covid. And they get counted as a Covid-hospitalized individual. When in fact, they may go in for a broken leg or appendicitis or something like that. So it's overcounting the number of children who are, quote, 'hospitalized with Covid,' as opposed to because of Covid."

Don't expect similar revelations from Fauci in the future. 

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