Friday, October 8, 2021

What Lies at the Heart of National Division?

The Left dominates the news industry, Hollywood, the academy, social media, big tech, and the minds of corporate leaders.

Because socialism is the Left's ultimate goal and because socialism is immoral and can't be rightly argued for, the leftist shapers of culture peddle hatred and division instead. Socialism is immoral because it rests on a benign fantasy that masks a malignant truth.

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Socialism, which centralizes power, leads to oppression and human misery.

The results of socialism's immorality have been lived out again and again-in the murderous Soviet slave state, in the homicidal tyrannies of Communist China, in Cuba, and in various other South American, African, and Asian debacles.

Because of socialism's repeated failures, the supporters of this bad idea are left without arguments.

A culture dominated-monopolized, really-by such leftist malfeasance inspires, elevates, and amplifies the angriest and most obnoxious voices on the right, who then seem to justify the left's criticisms, insults, and violence.

This founding premise rules out centralized power and therefore socialism. 

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