Friday, October 8, 2021

The Washington Post Attacks Pennsylvania Election Audit

In the world of the American Left and their media allies, auditing an election and supporting election integrity equals "Voter suppression" and "Subverting future outcomes."

Let me recount - again - but a handful of reasons why the Republicans in my own state of Pennsylvania have every reason to audit the 2020 vote, not to mention be concerned for election integrity in 2022 and 2024.

Two months later, in July, the same U.S. Attorney announced that former U.S. Congressman Michael "Ozzie" Myers, a Philadelphia Democrat, was indicted on "Multiple counts, including conspiring to violate voting rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for specific Democratic candidates in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 Pennsylvania primary elections, bribery of an election official, falsification of records, voting more than once in federal elections, and obstruction of justice." The bribery charge, by the way, was about Myers paying the election judge DeMuro to rig voting machines.

Then there was this jewel of a voter fraud story from a 1994 special election for a Philadelphia seat in the Pennsylvania State Senate.

Saying Philadelphia's election system had collapsed under "a massive scheme" by Democrats to steal a State Senate election in November, a Federal judge today took the rare step of invalidating the vote and ordered the seat filled by the Republican candidate.

The hard fact of the matter here is that under the guise of fighting voter suppression Democrats and their media allies are really the ones supporting voter suppression with their opposition to vote audits and election integrity laws.

As those Pennsylvania elections of 2016, 2015, 2014, 2012, 2008, and 1994, not to mention those two indictments in 2020, illustrate vividly, voter fraud is a regular feature with Democrats in Pennsylvania elections. 

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