Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The CIA Has Stultified American Consciences

One of the worst consequences of converting the federal government to a national security state has been the stultification or warping of the consciences of the American people.

With unwavering allegiance to the Pentagon, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency, all too many Americans have sacrificed their sense of right and wrong at the altar of "National security," the two-word term that has become the most important term in the political lexicon of the American people.

It's just another state-sponsored assassination intended to protect "National security." If US national security state officials have decided that Assange needs to be taken out, then that's just the way it is.

When the federal government was converted to a national security state after World War II, the American people made an implicit bargain with the devil.

Another part of the bargain was that officials would keep their dark-side activity secret from the American people so that people wouldn't have to deal with their consciences over a governmental entity that was assassinating people.

By bringing dark-side activity to the attention of the American people, they ran the risk that people's consciences might start operating.

If that day were to come, there is no doubt that the American people would cast the CIA into the dustbin of history, where all evil agencies belong.


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